Code of Practice for Handling Complaints
At Beech House Dental Practice, we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.
1. The person responsible for dealing with any complaints about the service is Dr Alice Harriss
2. If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to Their complaint and offer to refer them to Dr. Alice Harriss. The staff member will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for someone else to deal with it.
3. If the patient complains in writing, the letter will be passed on immediately to Dr Alice Harriss.
4. A complaint about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges will usually be referred to the dentist unless the patient does not want this to happen.
5. We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint and a copy of this Code of Practice within five working days. You will be invited to discuss your concerns; we will seek to investigate the complaint within the agreed response period of the complaint being received to explain the circumstances which led to the criticism. If we cannot investigate the complaint within this agreed period, we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
6. We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing immediately after completing our investigation. This will be within 14 working days of the complaint received.
7. Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received.
8. Beech House Dental Practice welcomes all complaints; any patient who makes a complaint will not be adversely treated due to having complained.
How to Complain:
Please address your complaint to Dr Alice Harriss, Principal Dentsit and Owner.
The following methods can contact Dr Harriss.
In Person: Please ask at reception for Dr. Harriss or our Practice Manager Kate Wager.
By Telephone: Call our main telephone number 01932862290
Or by email: Please email
If you raise your complaint on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will immediately refer you to Dr Alice Harriss; if she is unavailable or you wish to speak to someone else, you should direct your complaints to our practice manager, Kate Wager.
Suppose neither of these people is immediately available to speak with you. In that case, the staff member will take brief details of your complaint and arrange a telephone conversation with you at a convenient time. We will keep comprehensive and confidential records of your complaint, which will be stored securely.
If you complain in writing, the letter or email will be passed immediately to the Principal Dentist or Practice Manager, who will acknowledge your complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, generally within five working days. We will investigate the circumstances and contact you to discuss the matter quickly. Suppose we cannot investigate the complaint within ten working days. In that case, we will keep you informed, giving reasons for the delay, the progress of the investigation and a likely period within which the study will be completed.
When the investigation has been completed, you will be informed of the outcome in writing and invited to a meeting, if appropriate, to discuss the results and any practical solutions. The answers could include replacing treatment, refunding fees paid, referral treatment elsewhere or other solutions that resolve your complaint.
We regularly analyse patient complaints to learn from them and to improve our services. That is why we always welcome feedback, comments, suggestions and complaints.
If you are not satisfied with the result of our procedure, then you can take your complaint further with the contacts below:
You can contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC), who may be able to help, or the General Dental Council (GDC).
The CQC regulates private and NHS dental care services in England. They can act against a service provider not meeting their standards.
For further advice, you can contact:
Millbank Tower
0345 015 4033
For help in making a complaint:
Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
Unit 2.1
Clarendon Business Park
Clumber Avenue
Telephone: 0845 120 3735
CQC contact details: Telephone: 03000 616161